A Splash of Lime
Grand Rapids....come for the churches, stay for the Nascar and Deer Hunting.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
A picture is worth...
A thousand words? A hundred? My girlfriend likes to paint and personally I think she's pretty good. She certainly is a lot...and I mean A LOT better than I am, and knows a heck of a lot more about it...like sometimes I'll think she's done with a painting and she'll tell me that it's just the UNDERPAINTING that I'm looking at...at which point I'll say something like "Are they boxers or briefs". Other times it can look like UNDERPAINTING, but it's actually done. I wait until she tells me it's done...then I comment (mama didn't raise no dummy).

For her full time gig she is an 8th grade language arts teacher, which I might add makes her perfectly equipped to deal with me and my issues. She paints when she is not dealing with hormone riddled teenagers or their parents who are always trying to blame the teachers because "MY child certainly couldn't have done THAT (replace "THAT" with the myriad of things that 8th graders do that their parents don't think they could do).

Since she doesn't have a tremendously long time to go before she can retire, she wants to reach the point in her painting where she is in a couple of galleries, is gaining recognition as an artist, and then we will move someplace where it is much warmer to spend our golden years running a small gallery representing other artists as well as her works.

Here is one of her paintings:


Here is one of mine:


Comments on this post and/or the painting(s) are very welcome. In fact, when I asked my girlfriend if it was o.k. for me to put a photo up here she thought it sounded kinda cool to be able to get feedback from a random source. Not that I'm calling you random, but how did you get here anyway?

posted by Jonathan @ 4:04 PM   0 comments
Friday, January 21, 2005
Innaugural "No Brainer"
Its not just the guy who got sworn in for 4 more yesterday who has no grey matter. Learn all about Mike the headless chicken here.
posted by Jonathan @ 10:21 AM   0 comments
A WHAT of WHAT????
A long time ago I was having dinner at this steakhouse and decided to cap off the evening with a cup of coffee and a snifter of drambuie.

The waitress was a very nice young lady, but we had a problem. She had never heard of a snifter, or of drambuie.

"A WHAT of WHAT??" she said, clearly thinking that if I was already talking gibberish that maybe she shouldn't be bringing me anything from the bar.

"A snifter of drambuie" I said

"A snifter of what?" she said.

"Drambuie" I said, feeling very thirsty at this point. Drambuie and coffee after a good steak is to me what Cheesy-Poofs are to Cartman on South Park.

She repeated the mantra several times....snifter of drambuie, snifter of drambuie, snifter of drambuie.

"Look...just tell the bartender those 2 words...snifter and drambuie, and they'll know what to do" I say. She leaves the table.

A couple of minutes go by and she arrives back at the table with...lo and behold...a cup of coffee and a snifter of drambuie...and she has this nice big smile because she has obviously learned something new today and lets face it...drambuie makes everyone smile.

"Here is your coffee sir, and your SPHINCTER of drambuie" she says and walks away.

Now it just so happens that I was on a blind date, and let me tell you...sphincter is just not a word that comes up very often in conversation unless you're trying to pick up a proctologist (which I was not).

Fortunately, we didn't have to address the issue because the waitress only got a few steps from the table before she whirled around and came back.

"Did I just SAY what I THINK I said?"


"Oh my god....I'm soooo sorry! I'm a pre-med student and I've been studying the butt all weekend".

She apologized profusely and we all had a good laugh.

A few minutes later she came back to check on us:

"Everything o.k. here? More coffee?"

"My coffee is fine, but I have to say...this drambuie tastes like ass".

I couldn't resist...she laughed, I laughed, my date did not.

I never saw her again.
posted by Jonathan @ 5:43 AM   2 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2005
When the levee breaks
The levee broke.

It took me a while but I've finally decided to dive in and blog away, and so far it feels pretty good. Not quite as good as a Ketel One on the rocks with a splash of lime (my favorite libation, hence the blog name) but pretty good none the less.

So here's how I see it. There are blogs, and then there are BLOGS! You know what I mean. There are the blogs that you have to wade through, all the while thinking to yourself "if I see another ROTFLMAO or the ever abundant use of the letter "Z" to signify plural (i.e. boyz)" I'm gonna scream.

Then there are the blogs where you say "Whoa! I know exactly how you feel!" These are the blogs that make you think. These are the blogs that make you look at the archives. These are the blogs that lead to the other blogs that lead to the other blogs they like because you know deep down inside that for the next couple of hours you're going to surf the net and follow a chain of thoughts and musings all because of something in common. Like Tom Waits or graphic design or Ketel One on the rocks with a splash of lime.

Hopefully, it won't take that long to figure out the links and graphics and html and so on. The folks here at A Splash of Lime aim to make your visit as enjoyable to the eyes as it is to the brains. In the meantime, sit back, relax and enjoy!

See ya soon.

posted by Jonathan @ 1:15 PM   0 comments
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Name: Jonathan
Home: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
About Me: Just a guy who trying to eek out a living as a graphic designer in SW Michigan.
See my complete profile
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Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood.

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