A Splash of Lime
Grand Rapids....come for the churches, stay for the Nascar and Deer Hunting.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Birthdays, Hat Tricks, Jammies and the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
The last few days have been wonderful and wonderfully eye-opening in the food and music department.

First of all Friday was my birthday. Copious amounts of all the good things...vodka, red meat, fresh bread from a small town bakery and cake (pictures to come cause it was a very cool cake)...and...I listened to the Garden State soundtrack for the first time. Two thumbs way up. I've been playing it to death.

Saturday continued with more spectacular food and music. Dinner at a Tapas joint here in town brought wonderful little plates of Tuna, calamari, scallops, salmon, roast duck, mushrooms, and so on. All with some pretty groovy worldbeat going on in the background. Then it was off to a friends 50th birthday party. The party was chock-full-o-interesting people and good wine and conversation was in abundance. The highlight of the evening was a performance by a gentleman who had rewritten the words to Gordon Lightfoots "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald". If he's not a comedian he should be cause it was hi-freakin-larious. My favorite re-write of that song up to that point had been:

Mothers and Fathers
and sons and daughters
their lungs all filled up with water

(just an excerpt but you get the gist)

F's birthday tribute has topped even those lyrics.

Sunday was a day of rest

Monday, it was back for more. There's a great little radio station called WYCE here in town that hosts what they call "The Hat Trick" concert series at a nice little restaurant called the One Trick Pony. The concerts are free, and they pass a hat to benefit some very worthy causes. Basically you get there early, eat good food, then sit back and listen to the free show. Mondays band was "The MAMMALS" and boy were they fun...folksy bluegrass with a very upbeat feel to them. I had never heard anyone play feedback on their banjo before.

Finally, last night. Last night was a soiree known as the Jammie awards. Once again, WYCE hosted the event and it's an award ceremony for all the local bands. Categories are jazz, rock, blues, folk and worldbeat. For the party, everyone who shows up in their pajamas (jammies....get it?) gets a free cd. Then, in between awards they have a ton of bands playing. They all get 10-15 minutes to jam and you get to hear a lot great bands. Its like 15, 15, 15 bands in one.

Unfortunately, I did not make it in time to hear my friends band Oxter/Mahone...


...my apologies Mr. Bittinger, but I promise to make it to one of the March gigs. Given that I didn't hear Oxter/Mahone, the highlight of the evening for me was a gal called Daisy May. Think Natalie Merchant crossed with the singer from MoonPools and Catepillars and you've got a pretty good idea of the sound of her voice. Now add a guitar (she plays) and a harmonica (she plays) and wrap it up in an attractive package and "voila". Easy on the eyes and ears.

It's been a fun few days and I've learned a few things:

1. Turning 41 ain't that bad.

2. I will have to get new pants if I keep eating like I have been.

3. I've GOT to get out and listen to more live music in this town.
posted by Jonathan @ 6:49 AM   2 comments
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Name: Jonathan
Home: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
About Me: Just a guy who trying to eek out a living as a graphic designer in SW Michigan.
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