A Splash of Lime
Grand Rapids....come for the churches, stay for the Nascar and Deer Hunting.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Busy indeed!
Lotta lotta stuff happening here these days and once again I am remiss in posting. However, since Writermom called me "His Excellency" in keeping with my new name, I thought I would take the time to rant about all the stuff I've got going on.

I've just finished the latest mag and am proud to say that I actually had time to remove all the hyphens before it went to press. I have hyphen issues. I love ellipses...don't ask me why cause I have no idea. From an economies of movement perspective it makes much more sense to hyphenate while typing, but while reading I like the way the ellipse connects the dots for me. Get it...dots! God, sometimes I slay myself.

I became a great uncle last month.

I turn 43 in a couple of days. Is this too young to be a great uncle?

Cheryl's daughter is due at any time which makes me a grandfather (kinda, since we're not married). We now have a Pack-n-play in the spare room upstairs. A Pack-n-Plays is a portable crib and they now come with a little sound machine that hooks to the side of it and plays nature noises. The little sound machine also has an MP3 jack, which means I've gotta start making baby playlists. And we have a new Ikea rocking chair for when the baby wakes up in the middle of the night. Apparently Laz-y-Boy chairs are not considered rockers and are also eye-sores and take up too much room so an Ikea rocker it is. Nevermind the fact that once baby girl junior is born and grown-up a little the Ikea rocker won't be the most comfortable thing in the world if you have to sit in it for an ENTIRE football game.

Speaking of marriage...the date is set. June 22 in North Carolina (Raleigh-Durham area) with a small group of family, and then off to Topsail Island to impersonate a pasty white, fat tourist lounging on the beach.

Did I just say impersonate? Nevermind.

Did I say fat? O.k...so maybe I am using my quitting smoking as an excuse to have a few bon bons, However, I can assure you the back of my neck does not resemble a package of hot-dogs and I'm not freebasing ham.

So.....between work and home based work and tickets and reservations and baby stuff, I've been busier than a two-peckered billy goat but I'm happier than a skeeter in a blood bank.

I'm off to Windsor tomorrow to spend the weekend:

a) celebrating the passing of another year of my life
b) taking the casino of all their money
c) trying out this groovy italian place I've wanted to try for a bit
d) all the above.

Oh...and by the way....I did my celebrity look-a-like thing that you've all been doing.

Jeb-Bush my ass. Josh Groban my ass. Michael Buble my ass. WTF...Jeb Bush!!!!

I'm bald, democrat, and have facial hair. is it my nose?

I don't wanna talk about it anymore.
posted by Jonathan @ 8:36 AM  
  • At 11:17 AM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Congratulations on setting the date, Your Excellency!

    I was 43 when Noah was born. I like to call myself Granny...it just suits me. I think you'll make a wonderful granddad.

    Where is Ikea? I need an Ikea vacation.

    Have a fabulous birthday weekend!

  • At 6:19 AM, Blogger Katie said…


    You have a cute dog.

    Good luck not smoking.

    You're not old - and you're funny!


  • At 10:21 AM, Blogger fineartist said…

    Oh now I can add you to my list of birthdays, how cool is that? Um pretty danged cool.

    You are so damned funny, I think quiting smoking may have even made you more funny. Man I love funny people.

    Two words, fake bake, just a little so you don't get burned to a crisp.

    xx, Lori

  • At 9:43 AM, Blogger Angeline Rose Larimer said…

    Missed your dang birthday. This is something I don't take well. And now I'm rough averaging what 'in a few days' after January 25th would be.
    Just wrote "28th-ish" by your name.

    You have been busier than a well endowed goat sucking mosquito!

    June 22nd, I'm almost quite certain, is the most perfect day to get married.
    Should we send you some magic shoes to get you into Sexiest Poppy Alive '07 shape before the wedding?
    (Tough title, considering Hawaii Mark is also a Poppy.)
    Just let me know. I get a check from Nike every time I can con someone into the Nike plus program.
    Also, I hope some day to sit with all my blog friends on Oprah and talk about how superior we are. Then afterwards, we get botoxed until our brains shrivel and someone has to prop us up into our chairs.

    Oh! Gov. Howard Dean just sent me an email. Gotta go, but I SO disagree with the Jeb Bush comparison.

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Name: Jonathan
Home: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
About Me: Just a guy who trying to eek out a living as a graphic designer in SW Michigan.
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