After reading writermom and alpharat's posts about catfish, I couldn't help but remember a documentary I saw on TV one day about noodling.
Wikipedia says that noodling is: "the practice and sport of fishing for catfish using only one's bare hands. Noodling may be called grabbling, graveling, hogging, or tickling, depending on what southern state you're in (Kentuckians call it dogging, while Nebraskans prefer stumping.) Despite these colorful names, it's better explained by the name handfishing; however, this term is less popular among those who participate in noodling. Only five states in the United States have laws explicitly permitting handfishing: Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee; and since 2005, Georgia. Missouri has an experimental noodling season in 2005 on sections of three rivers, from June 1 through July 15. Noodlers Anonymous argues that the season is doomed to fail, though, because these river sections are too dangerous, too crowded, or otherwise not desirable for the sport."
You can see some amazing pics of noodlers HERE and HERE
Shoving one's hand down a 40 pound catfish's mouth may seem a little dangerous, especially if you have to dive underwater and shove your arm down a mudhole to do it, but apparently it's the water moccasins and beavers that can really cramp your style. They say you should always noodle using the buddy system...not so much cause of drowning but because your freakin arm may get chewed to a bloody stump or injected with lethal venom. Now thats what I call a relaxin afternoon of fishing.
To see a quicktime movie of some noodlers doing their thing, click HERE
Is it a coincidence that mullets seem to be prevalent in this sport? I think not.
Waiter? Theres a hand in my catfish! Don't worry's the beaver that killed him.
Name: Jonathan Home: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States About Me: Just a guy who trying to eek out a living as a graphic designer in SW Michigan. See my complete profile