A Splash of Lime
Grand Rapids....come for the churches, stay for the Nascar and Deer Hunting.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
It's pretty depressing when your previous post is called "no excuses" because of a lack of posts, yet here I am doing it again.

It all started back in Mid April (the whole "don’t really feel like posting on my blog" thing)

I was scheduled to attend a conference in Chicago in Mid-May. The Adobe Creative Suite conference. I've been to lots of conferences before so I was, as usual, a little apprehensive. I'm tired of the amazed looks, and the conversations stopping as I walk by. Tired of not feeling welcome in their little clubs. Never getting called on when I had a question. And I know myself well enough to be able to say that yeah, I was a little jealous. I wanted to be just like all of them. I felt inadequate. There, I said it.

So I did some research online. A couple weeks worth of sitting in front of the computer every night, glassy eyed, until finally, Cheryl came in one night and saw my dejected face and put a caring hand on my shoulder and said "Why don't you just go ahead and do it Jonathan?" So I did it.

I purchased a 15inch Powerbook G4. Yep. 1.5GHz, 2GB RAM, 100GB harddrive, and it is loaded! I can lay down tracks and edit dvds and balance my checkbook and play poker online and listen to music and everything! It's a bad mamma-jamma.

Why not a Macbook Pro you ask? Cause I couldnt afford to wait for Adobe and Quark and all those guys to rewrite their apps so that they run natively on the new Intel based processors.

But thats not the point.

The point is the conference. When I went to my conference I was one of the gang. I had my groovy little messenger bag with my cool ass powerbook and my ipod and my headphones and my wireless mouse and the extra long extension cord (so you can make a fuss about finding an outlet because you don't like to cycle your battery too much when you can avoid it). You get the picture....I got a new toy. Ain't conformity great?

Sooooooo I know what you're thinking..."But Jonathan...if you had the convenience of laptop at your disposal now, wouldn't it have been easier to post these last few months?"

Not hardly.

Now I had to go shopping. First was the aforementioned messenger bag/laptop carrying case and the wireless mouse. Now I am suitably equipped for any coffehouse in the world. Then there was the new computer desk from officemax because hey...I really oughtta start making this spare bedroom look more like an office. Besides, I had forgotten how fun it is to assemble something that comes in 3 big boxes with instructions that you have to read from right to left and no packing list to crossreference the 783 various and sundry items needed to assemble the behemoth.

Then I decided that if I was going to be doing more work outta the "home office" I really should be able to work on the porch or in the backyard seeing as how it was summer and all. So I had to go get an Airport Extreme wireless network base station.

Now I should be able to post more on the blog right? NOPE.

The June issue of the magazine was due. Many evening hours = no posting time.

June crept into July...there was the block party to organize, the July issue of the magazine, a couple of birthdays to celebrate, going nuts at work, trying to pump up the home office work and so on. August rolls right on in and I'm burning the midnight oil trying to get ahead at work so I can go on vacation which was a couple of weeks ago in a house on the east shore of Beaver Island where the only way to get internet access is at the public library on the other end of the island and quite honestly I couldn't get motivated to put shoes on to do that and then there was a couple of weeks of catch-up when I got back and so that is why I haven't posted for so long.

I'll try to be better...really.
posted by Jonathan @ 12:55 PM  
  • At 1:22 AM, Blogger fineartist said…

    It's just really good to see your type!

  • At 8:18 PM, Blogger Angeline Rose Larimer said…

    Yeah, me too. You were missed, but all excuses accepted.

  • At 9:44 AM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    The summer months are always so busy. So are the winter, spring and fall months, for that matter. Good for you for keeping busy. Doing whatever you want whenever you want has a downside: clutter piles six miles high and so much laundry that the dog has taken to trying to lick it all clean. Yes, I got a dog. No, I still haven't taken his hints and tackled the laundry.

    I'm glad you posted!

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Name: Jonathan
Home: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
About Me: Just a guy who trying to eek out a living as a graphic designer in SW Michigan.
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